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Available only fapcf download the 'open' method. Available only for 'open' and 'close' methods. Available methods and data depend on it. If the plug-in is not able to synchronize with its own server because network connectivity is not available, it can notify Oracle Field Service Cloud to wake it up in the background when the connectivity is available.

A message with the init method indicates that Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application has started initializing the plug-in. The attributeDescription field is an object that contains the descriptions of all the properties that are configured for the plug-in. List of all buttons that are configured for a plug-in is sent to the plug-in in the 'buttons' field of the 'init' message. This field is a list of objects that contains the 'buttonId' and 'params' fields. The messages with this method indicate that the plug-in has finished processing the initialization data.

The message may also contain the optional 'wakeupNeeded' field, which allows to continue background activity of the plug-in after a page is reloaded. See the description of the wakeup method for details. You can change the appearance of the plug-in tile the icon imagestatus text, and color using the optional iconData parameter. See the corresponding section for details. When a user opens a plug-in through a button, a message with the open method is sent to the plug-in after Oracle Field Service Cloud receives the ready message.

The open message contains entity collections, for example, data of available Oracle Field Service Cloud entities fapcf download as activities and inventories. See Available entities and data collections for details. Is returned by the getPartsCatalogsStructure procedure and is required by getParts procedure.

A message that includes the ready method indicates that all the resources needed for the plug-in's functioning are loaded; the plug-in has started listening to the messages from Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application and is ready to process them.

The plug-in sends the ready message every time it's loaded. When Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application is being loaded or a page is being refreshed, the message, 'Preparing data for offline' is shown to the user.

The message is displayed until every plug-in sends the ready message. When a user opens the plug-in through a button, the message, 'Screen is fapcf download.

Please fapcf download. This message is shown until the plug-in sends the ready message. If you have set the field fapcf download to true, and Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application has loaded the plug-in while initializing not when the user opens the plug-inOracle Field Service Cloud Core Application sends an additional init message with initialization data to the plug-in such as attribute description.

It destroys the plug-in's iframe only when the plug-in sends the initEnd message. If you have not set the field fapcf download or set it as not equal to true, and Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application loads the plug-in while initializing Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application not when the user opens the plug-inOracle Field Service Cloud Core Application destroys the plug-in's iframe immediately after the ready message received. If the fapcf download opens the plug-in, the field 'sendInitData' is ignored.

Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application sends the open message with all data available for entity collections, according to the fapcf download layout, where the plug-in's button is placed and depending on how the Available Properties section is configured.

For example, if a plug-in is opened from the Activity List screen, the data of all the activities for the selected day's queue is sent with the data of all non-scheduled activities of the selected resource.

Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application collects and serializes the data, and the plug-in un-serializes it, thereby increasing the loading time for the plug-in. To reduce the amount of this data, the optional parameter, "dataItems" is supported for the ready message. The value of this parameter defines the items that are present in fapcf download entity collections. Using this parameter, a plug-in перейти на страницу prevent Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application from sending certain items in the available entity metal slug collection free download for pc, but it can't fapcf download the set of entity collections that is sent to the plug-in.

This set is predefined and depends on the screen from which the plug-in is opened. The browser's native Back and Fapcf download buttons are blocked, notification is shown if the user uses the native Back button.

The message format for the close method is similar to the open method. When Oracle Field Service Cloud receives a message from a plug-in with the close method, it validates all the fapcf download properties fapcf download their values, and applies the update only if no rules are violated.

After updating, it closes the plug-in. If there are violations, Oracle Field Service Cloud sends a message with the error fapcf download, which includes a list of errors see example. There's no need to send all the collections and properties received through the open method.

The plug-in can send only those entities and properties that have to be updated. The remaining entities and properties are left unchanged. Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application updates only those entity collections that were sent with the open message. If the plug-in sends extra entities with the close message, they're ignored.

Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application updates only the properties that are fapcf download for the plug-in. If the plug-in sends extra properties with the close message, they're ignored.

The property values that are sent are validated according to the type and attributes of the updated property. See Error codes for details. This topic describes the error fapcf download and error codes related to the close fapcf download. The plug-in tries to update the activity properties that are in the past and overnight or overtime limit is elapsed. The plug-in tries to update the inventory properties in the customer, installed, or deinstalled pool of activity, which is in the past and overnight or overtime limit is elapsed.

Property is neither field nor signature and length of its value exceeds Fapcf download codepoints. Transition from the current activity status to the new one, specified in 'astatus', is not allowed. Transition from the current inventory pool to the new one, specified in 'invpool', is not allowed. Limits are applied to property values that are submitted by the plug-in through the Plugin API fapcf download update.

If a value length fapcf download the limit, Oracle Field Service Cloud returns an error message as part of the message with the error method. Maximum un-formatted data fapcf download store is bytes. But, the String. Fapcf download is, the length fapcf download the string containing one 4-byte UTF char is 2. We assume that the value contains only MIME-type and fapcf download base64 string.

Maximum allowed length for a адрес страницы property value depends on the "File size limit" attribute configured for ссылка на продолжение property, but it can't exceed 20 MB bytes in any case. JavaScript uses UTF for strings, so one character may take up 2 to 4 bytes. But the String. It can be constructed and filled with the data generated by JS code in runtime, or just obtained from the file input and sent to Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Application without any transformation, as the File object inherits the Blob.

You can change the activity status such as start, suspend, complete activity by simply updating the field 'astatus' taking into account the available status transitions. Inventory includes both fapcf download and non-serialized items. Non-serialized inventory, such as faceplates, wire, and electrical download pnkbstra.exe do not have serial numbers. This type of inventory is generic. One manufacturer's supply can be exchanged for another based fapcf download a model number.

Non-serialized inventory is often accounted for in bulk by units of measure, such as feet, pounds, dozen, and so on. These items are usually carried in the resource's truck, although the amounts required for individual activities are recorded with serialized inventory on the Activity Details screen and on the Inventory List in the resource's Oracle Field Service Cloud.

New inventory is created without setting inventory type. The id of the type is set to 0. Such inventory cannot be listed in required inventories, because there is no defined inventory type. Non-serialized inventory cannot be installed or deinstalled through a simple update of properties in the 'inventory' or 'inventoryList' entity data collection.

This is because, updating non-serialized inventory requires creating new inventory in the target inventory pool. You can process non-serialized inventory only using Inventory Actions. To support a business flow for both serialized and non-serialized inventory types, the optional field "actions" is supported for the close method. This field contains a list of objects, whose fields represent the parameters of actions such as "install", "create" that will be fapcf download by Oracle Field Service Cloud on both the client and server side.

Actions are applied in the same order as sent by the plug-in in the "actions" array. Actions are executed after applying all the data collection updates that are sent by plug-in in the same close message. No actions are по ссылке if errors occur during the validation of data collections and all actions.

All validation errors are sent to a plug-in within the error message. If some actions fail to execute, the remaining fapcf download are applied anyway, and the execution errors are sent to the plug-in within the error message.

Each error contains the id of action that is failed, or the id of the action that doesn't pass validation. Id is the order number of the action in the actions download for windows 10 64 bit, sent by the plug-in. If there are any validation errors, send the error message to the plug-in; if not, proceed to the next step. If there are any errors during the update of data collections or /46527.php of actions, send the error message to the plug-in; if not, proceed Вами download holy quran win7 правы the next step.

Each action is an object, whose fields are the action parameters. This topic describes the inventory actions that are supported by the Plug-in API. You can encounter validation, execution, or internal fapcf download of errors when your plug-in performs an action.

For example, 0, 1, Property is neither field nor signature and the length of its value exceeds UTF codepoints. After the close method is applied, Oracle Field Service Cloud Application closes the plug-in and redirects the user to another screen. By default, the user is redirected to the same screen from which the plug-in was opened.

However, you can specify which screen the user must be redirected to, by setting the value of the optional field, "backScreen" in the close message. After a plug-in screen is closed, you can open the screen по этому сообщению another or even of the same plug-in.

This allows you to implement complex business flows using several different plug-ins, or update Oracle Field Service Cloud windows app for desktop download without exiting the plug-in's screen.


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